Our bread-and-butter is "on-location" portraits. In other words, showing people in a natural, familiar environment. Jean and I have been to more homes, parks, fields, patios, lakes, beaches, forest preserves, and country clubs than we can remember. This keeps things fun and fresh for us, but it also is a challenge because every location is unique.
Preparation is the key. If we can't scout out a location in advance, we try to arrive an hour before the scheduled shoot-time to get set up. We bring enough studio equipment with us to light up the darkest room, but we try not to use it unless we have to. Backdrops are only used as a last resort. This minimalist approach suits our style and doesn't overwhelm our customers.
It's tough to beat the look of natural light, and we try to choose locations and times to maximize it both indoors and out. Many times we'll supplement natural light with flash, and sometimes we'll go 100% flash. When we do use flash, it's hard to tell because our portraits do not look "flashy."
Our portrait sessions are relaxed and free flowing. We'll have different spots picked out depending on the size of the group, the number of subgroups, ages of the kids, weather etc. Outdoor shots are the best, and we try to make it outside even during the winter. Many great shots occur when the family is having fun in between the posed groups, and we try to capture these like a photo journalist would covering a story.
Within 1-2 weeks after the session, customers receive a keepsake proof album and a link to an online photo gallery. We also try and create a documentary slideshow of the portrait session but can't guarantee this in every case. Customers can order prints using order forms included with the proof album or via the online shopping cart. And calling it a proof album doesn't do it justice. It's really a selection of finished images that have already been digitally corrected and retouched. Check out a sample 10x13 proof portfolio
Why do we like on-location portraits so much? Well, first of all, we don't have a studio! But besides that, we feel that we deliver better portraits when we go to the customer's location rather than asking them to come to us. Take a look at a recent
family portrait session to see if you agree