Monday, October 8, 2007

Repeat Customers

Two things I love: word of mouth advertising and repeat customers. It's one thing to be recommended for a job, but it's even more gratifying when your customers call you back for repeat business. This must mean we're doing something right!

Our very first customer after we incorporated our business was a family portrait sitting. Jean and I showed up at their house very nervous. The family had two girls - an infant and a toddler. We did portraits indoors, outdoors, groups, individuals, kids napping, with several outfit changes etc. We were exhausted but the pictures turned out great. Well this family has had us back for five years in a row now, and we've seen their kids grow up. They call us "Mr Paul" and "Miss Jean" when we arrive. And, taking pictures of the same family year after year forces us to expand our creative repertoire - can't get away with the same recipe every year.

Last week, I received an email from a customer asking about a print of her daughter that was taken in 2004. I remembered the image well because it was so moving. The mother wanted a 16x23" enlargement to fit a custom frame in their living room. I still had the original "raw" digital file and was able to apply modern processing techniques (software has come a long way in 3 years!) to produce this heirloom print. Enjoy.

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