Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Payment Options

This time of year is usually quiet in the portrait and wedding photography business. I use this time to retool and repair equipment, do taxes, recharge my batteries, and do some R&D. I love learning new things - photography related or otherwise.

One of the things I figured out how to do is accept credit cards as a payment option. Yes, I realize credit cards have been around a long time. But working with credit cards is not economical for a small business like mine that doesn't have a lot of point-of-sale business. So I accomplish this via Paypal rather than using a merchant "card swiper." More economical for me, more convenient for you.

Here's how it works. If you would like to pay for your photography services with a credit card, I will email you an invoice containing your total. Simply follow the included instructions on how to pay the invoice online. You do not need a Paypal account to do this; just your credit card. Once you pay, both you and I receive a receipt. Done.

I added the "Paypal Accepted Here" icon to our website to announce this feature. I hope this adds a measure of convenience and security for our customers.

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